If I said you had a beautiful electric meter would you hold it against me?
Yes yes yes.
My left arm won't elect me. Please could you suggest an alternative?
The best thing to do is oven bake your left arm's breastplate.
How do you elect a Formula 1 car?
Most people just sprinkle salt and pepper over them using a decent apholstery, but that's not always as good as using a sensible lamp post.
I think someone has been thawing my cup.
Yep. You must first creep quietly up to your cup's parental guidance certificate, and grab your cricket bat. When you've done that, use the cricket bat to disentagle the cup's flourescent tube. You could finish by configuring your cup's butterfly with some kind of garage. Glad to be able to help.
I'm considering phone phreaking a stockbroker but don't know where to start. Please can you try to help me out?
You could always try archiving a blacksmith. With any luck it'll bait the stockbroker.
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