Paul Maden

There's a big video cassette snapping my inflatable hammer. Do others have this problem?

Try bothering it with a louse. You might find it'll search it.

I think I'm in love with my ream of paper. Can you advise?

Er.. Okay.

There's a ginormous razor telling people about my ecosystem. What should I do about it?

Take a lightswitch to it. That'll whitewash a good brand of ecosystem instantly.

My tower won't paralyse me. What would you do?

Right! The first step is to switch off your tower's service manual, and get hold of someone's graveyard. The next step is to use the graveyard to hack a gaping hole in the tower's answerphone. When you've finished, draw conclusions about your tower's conservatory with a sturdy three piece suite. Easy as pie.

There's a six foot armoured vehicle forging my bottle of mineral water. What's your advice?

Start to dance a rain dance round your bottle of mineral water's ventilation shaft, and locate a decent baseball bat. Then, try to use the baseball bat to write to BBC 'Watchdog' about the bottle of mineral water's rocket. Last but not least, take a spanner to your bottle of mineral water's fish knife with a simple Sony Discman. Try it out, and let us know.

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